Monday, October 7, 2013

Meant to Be

Title: Meant to Be
Author: Lauren Morrill 
Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers
Published: November 13, 2012
Pages: 304, Hardcover

Meant to be or not meant to be . . . that is the question.               
It's one thing to fall head over heels into a puddle of hazelnut coffee, and quite another to fall for the-gasp-wrong guy. Straight-A junior Julia may be accident prone, but she;s queen of following rules and being prepared. That's why she keeps a pencil sharpener in her purse and a pocket Shakespeare in her, well, pocket. And that's also why she's chosen Mark Bixford, her childhood crush, as her MTB ("meant to be").  
But this spring break, Julia's rules are about to get defenestrated (SAT word: to be thrown from a window) when she's partnered with her personal nemesis, class-clown Jason, on a school trip to London. After one wild party, Julia starts receiving romantic texts . . . from an unknown number! Jason promises to help discover the identity of her mysterious new suitor if she agrees to break a few rules along the way. And thus begins a wild goose chase through London, leading Julia closer and closer to the biggest surprise of all: true love. 
Because sometimes the things you least expect are the most meant to be.
                                                          - Goodreads
The story is about a quirky, witty, smart girl named Julia. She believes in fate very strongly and knows that someone out there is the One who she thinks it's a guy named Mark Bixford. And boy was she wrong. Julia also happens be that girl you see in class that loves history and rules and traditional literature from Shakespeare to Jane Austen. Her father died when she was around the age of seven and her mom is starting to get back into the dating game. She also has a fear of geese and heights. Julia loves rules or at least she prefers them, I guess. Extremely efficient and hates the class-clown Jason. Julia has always wanted to go to London because her parents went there.

Jason is happens to be a huge class-clown with some secrets to him. He has a stepmom and his stepmom and father are going through a divorce. He also happens to have dual citizenship in America and Great Britain. Jason also happens to popular among the girls and guys. But he also has a sweet, sensitive side to him.

The entire book, in my opinion, is a cute yet quirky romantic story with a side of attitude. The times the two spend together is like on huge funny roller coaster from the arguments, or most one-sided hostility at the other, to the romantic moments of kindness. To be honest (and I am ashamed) but the suspense was killing me sooooooo much I decided to read the ending ahead of time (like i was still in the middle of the book) and boy are you going to be SHOCKED (unless your smarter than me). Though the book is adorable and charming, it does have a serious factor to it. Reading the book was MTB (meant to be; yay! PUN). The story did have a bit of an element of history thrown in (can be confusing at times; maybe) which is pretty new I think. In simple terms it was a cute, quirky teen romance novel with a dash of history and wittiness to it.